Week 1- Positivity

Our Journal-  Week 1 January 31st

Idiom of the Week

Idiom: “Look on the bright side.”
Meaning: To focus on the positive aspects of a situation, even when things seem difficult.
Example: The trip was canceled due to rain, but we decided to look on the bright side and have a fun day indoors instead.

Words of the Week: Pick your favorite! (8)

  1. Gratitude - A feeling of thankfulness and appreciation.
    Example: She expressed her gratitude with a heartfelt note.

  2. Optimism - The tendency to expect the best possible outcome.
    Example: His optimism kept the team motivated during tough times.

  3. Encouragement - Words or actions that inspire confidence or hope.
    Example: A little encouragement can make a big difference.

  4. Empathy - The ability to understand and share someone else's feelings.
    Example: Empathy helps build stronger relationships.

  5. Resilience - The ability to recover from difficulties.
    Example: Her resilience helped her overcome many obstacles.

  6. Cheerfulness - The quality of being noticeably happy and optimistic.
    Example: His cheerfulness brightened everyone's day.

  7. Self-esteem - Confidence in one's own worth or abilities.
    Example: Building self-esteem is crucial for personal growth.

  8. Hopeful - Feeling or inspiring optimism about the future.
    Example: The team remained hopeful despite the challenges.

Quote of the Week

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”
— Maya Angelou

Who was Maya Angelou?
Maya Angelou was a celebrated American poet, author, and civil rights activist. Her work focused on themes of identity, resilience, and the human spirit. She inspired millions with her words of wisdom and her dedication to empowering others.

Book of the Week: The Laws of Mastery by Robert Greene 

On Effective Planning:
“Planning effectively means breaking down your goals into manageable steps and staying flexible enough to adjust as needed.”

  • The book highlights that successful people focus on progress, not perfection. They create realistic schedules and celebrate small victories along the way.

  • Key takeaway: Write down your priorities daily and tackle them one at a time for maximum efficiency.

Fill in the Blanks- Exercise 

Use the words from this week's list to complete the sentences:

  1. Showing ___________ to others helps build deeper connections.

  2. Even during hard times, it’s important to remain ___________.

  3. She gained ___________ by reflecting on her strengths and achievements.

Journal of the Week- Try to write and bring it to class!

Theme: Positivity
Write about a moment when you chose to “look on the bright side” of a situation. What happened? Try to use at least 3 of the words from this week’s list in your response.


Week 1- Positivity