Week 1- Positivity

Our Journal - Week 1 (January 31st)

Idiom of the Week
Idiom: "Look on the bright side."
Meaning: Try to see the good in a bad situation.
Example: Our trip was canceled because of the rain, but we looked on the bright side and had fun inside!

Words of the Week (Pick your favorite!)

  1. Thankfulness – Feeling happy for what you have.
    Example: She showed thankfulness by saying thank you.

  2. Positive Thinking – Believing good things will happen.
    Example: His positive thinking made everyone feel happy.

  3. Support – Helping or giving kind words to someone.
    Example: A kind word of support can help a friend.

  4. Kindness – Caring about other people’s feelings.
    Example: She showed kindness when her friend was sad.

  5. Strength – Staying strong when things are hard.
    Example: His strength helped him keep going.

  6. Happiness – Feeling good and smiling.
    Example: Her happiness made the room feel bright.

  7. Confidence – Believing in yourself.
    Example: Confidence helps you feel strong.

  8. Hopeful – Thinking that good things will happen.
    Example: She felt hopeful about the future.

Quote of the Week
“My goal in life is not just to live, but to live well; and to do so with love, kindness, laughter, and style.”
— Maya Angelou

Who was Maya Angelou?
Maya Angelou was a famous American writer and speaker. She wrote about hope, strength, and kindness. Many people loved her words.

Book of the Week: The Laws of Mastery by Robert Greene
On Making Plans:
"Good planning means making small steps and changing your plan when needed."

Key idea: Write your daily goals and finish them one by one!

Fill in the Blanks – Exercise
Use the words from this week's list to complete the sentences:

  1. Showing ___________ to others helps make strong friendships.

  2. Even when life is hard, it’s good to stay ___________.

  3. She got more ___________ by thinking about her good qualities.

Journal of the Week – Try to Write and Bring It to Class!
Theme: Positivity
Write about a time when you “looked on the bright side” of a situation. What happened? Try to use at least three words from this week’s list in your story!


Week 2-Valentine’s Day


Week 1- Positivity